Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Something about binaural beats and Holosync.

There are many forms of binaural beats available over the internet, some of them free, some more and some less reliable and responsible. I have found one of the most reliable and responsible (albeit one of the most expensive, perhaps proving once more that you get what you pay for ?) is a carefully crafted version called Holosync. Here's something from what Bill Harris, the designer and owner of Holosync produced by Centerpointe Research Institute, says about the effects of using binaural beats ;

Changes in beat frequency create changes in brain wave patterns. These changes take you from your normal everyday beta frequency to the slower, more meditative alpha frequency, then to the deeper theta pattern, and finally to the deepest delta brain wave pattern. As your brain waves slow, the amplitude (the height of the wave form and, in effect, the power of the wave) increases.
These brain wave changes are the result of tiny frequency differences between precise Holosync tones delivered to the left and right sides of your brain. In reconciling these small differences, a beat frequency is created in the brain. As this beat frequency changes, the electrical patterns in your brain change, creating beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain wave patterns.
To handle this powerful beat frequency stimulus, your brain must adapt and change, which it does by creating new neural connections, new pathways. This creates changes in your perspective of yourself and the world. You begin to see more clearly how everything goes together, how everything is interconnected — instead of being made up of isolated, separate things at odds with each other.
As a result, a separate me perspective begins to change to an us perspective, then later to an all of us perspective, and eventually to an all of everything perspective — an infinite perspective. The larger the perspective, the greater your feelings of happiness, inner peace and connection with others. At the same time, feelings associated with separation and isolation (anger, fear, depression, anxiety, and so forth) diminish.

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