Tuesday 10 March 2009

Merging into non-duality.

Working where psychology meets spirituality in the area of non-duality.

I must say that my perception is that with the use of Holosync I am gradually entering a more non-dual way of percieving and therefore a more non-dual consciousness. Even the very word gradual in this context may be anathema to some, especially those that, like me, have been trying to achieve, or work towards this state for some time through traditional methods, mainly culled from eastern religions, such as meditation .. prayer, fasting, dhikr and mantra.
All I can say is that it seems to be happening and, gradually .. There is more of a perception of the interlinking of all things (rather than just an intellectual idea) perhaps becoming more familiar with what Tolle would call "Presence" as an extended and natural state rather than a momentary short-lived and/or "produced" one. Also, I would say, an ease or feeling of affinity with, other people. I personally have experienced this at a very high level around a sufi sheikh, as many others have no doubt around various gurus. The disappointment was always marked to begin with, when one came away from the master's presence and realised that the state was not a newly aquired and permanent one but rather "borrowed" from the "magnetic field" around him.

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